Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Rationale And Hypotheses Police Manuals Criminal...

Rationale and Hypotheses: Police manuals seem to indicate that more experienced detectives are better able to detect deception than inexperienced detectives. In this study, we evaluated this claim with our sample of 1,052 police officers representing 256 police stations across England. First, we tested whether officers did better detecting lies for real-life criminals accused of crimes versus everyday people (students, business owners, and married individuals). We hypothesized that police officers with more experience would be able to detect deception amongst criminals accused of crimes with accuracy rates better than could be expected by chance alone. We predicted this because more experienced officers are more likely to be familiar with†¦show more content†¦Our sample consisted of officers from 58 major cities across England. 351 of the officers were from the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), 233 were detectives, 357 were traffic officers, and 111 were police train ers. None of the participants in this study specialized in lie detection. This study did not train the officers on how to detect lies. Participants’ years of job experience ranged from 2 years to 35 years, with a mean of 6.2 years (SD=2.2). Materials: Participants were asked to distinguish truths from lies in a variety of different situations by attending to any cues that they believed were indicative of deceptive behavior. Specifically, the participants saw 50 video clips of 50 different individuals (23 women and 27 men). 15 of the clips included suspects accused of crimes, like rape, murder, arson, and theft. 11 of the clips consisted of married individuals. 14 clips showed undergraduate and graduate students. The remaining 10 clips consisted of business owners. The individuals in the clips were all different, thus no one individual showed up more than once. The individuals in the video clips were asked to answer questions and were given instruction ahead of time that they could either lie or tell the truth. Only clips where the researcher knew ahead of time were lies or truths were shown to participants. Individuals in the video clips were asked to answer a variety of different questions. Criminals were asked questio ns about theirShow MoreRelatedEssay on Theories, Assessment, and Treatment of Sex Offenders3051 Words   |  13 PagesINTRODUCTION Stories of sex offenders have been increasingly a focus of attention by the criminal justice system over the past years. By legal definition, a sex offender â€Å"is a person who is convicted of a sexual offense (Sex Offender Law Legal Definition),† an act which is prohibited by the jurisdiction. What constitutes as a sex offense or normal/abnormal sexual behavior varies over time and place, meaning that it also varies by legal jurisdiction and culture. In the United States of AmericaRead More_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words   |  1422 PagesVerifying Signatures on a Recall Petition 516 Activity 9.4 A Meaningful Paragraph 516 Graphing Calculator Explorations 521 10 Hypothesis Testing Using a Single Sample 10.1 Hypotheses and Test Procedures 526 10.2 Errors in Hypotheses Testing 531 525 10.3 Large-Sample Hypothesis Tests for a Population Proportion 537 10.4 Hypotheses Tests for a Population Mean 550 10.5 Power and Probability of Type II Error 562 10.6 Interpreting and Communicating the Results of Statistical Analyses 571 Activity 10Read MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesWell Is More Important in CrossCultural Negotiations†) †¢ Updated material on gender and negotiation styles †¢ New material on individual differences in negotiation styles †¢ Discussion of emotions in negotiation †¢ New information on suspicion and deception in negotiation †¢ Updates to discussion on conflict and conflict management processes †¢ New Point–Counterpoint (Player–Owner Disputes Are Unnecessary) †¢ New An Ethical Choice (Using Empathy to Negotiate More Ethically) †¢ New Case Incident (ChoosingRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pagescomparison data for each assessment. †¢ Updated the research supporting key points in each chapter. †¢ Added a Resource Locator table at the beginning of each chapter in the Instructors Manual, organized according to a chapter’s learning objectives. †¢ Added new video clips and exercise recommendations in the Instructors Manual. †¢ Enhanced the test bank by adding more application questions. †¢ Revised the PowerPoint slides. A MESSAGE TO STUDENTS: Why Focus on Management Skill Development? Given that

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