Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Organizational Leadership and Governance The Personality Factor

Question: Discuss about the Organizational Leadership and Governance for The Personality Factor. Answer: Introduction In the given case scenario, Sally is the senior manager at MTCR, a company responsible for development and manufacturing of a broad range of custom hardware solutions. David has been a part of the company for nine years and is responsible to report to Sally since two years. There have been performance setbacks in his job in the recent times which involved late deliveries and missed assignments. Davids setbacks impacted the entire team performance that put Sally into worries. She spoke to David and came to know that he has been facing family, personal financial and change in role issues. Davids confidence has declined and Sally aims to get his formerly excellent performer back on track. The aim of this paper is to use different theoretical approaches to improve Davids performance. The purpose of this paper is to reflect myself as a leader and put my theoretical knowledge into practice based on the results of the workshop diagnostic tools. Required Actions According to the results of emotional intelligence test, my self-awareness level is strength. I am highly aware of my moods as I have them. However my self-regulation area needs attention and I need to learn to manage my emotions effectively. Motivation is my strength as I possess self-discipline (Lussier Achua, 2010). I feel highly motivated when I achieve my personal goals related to my career. I possess great empathy as my strength because I have the ability to recognize emotions of other people. I use active listening skills and understand other peoples perspectives. My social skills are a development priority as I am uncomfortable with social situations. My communication skills are excellent, but instead of escaping from the social situation, I need to deal with the conflict (Lussier Achua, 2010). In the given situation, I shall be empathetic towards David as he is facing personal and financial issues. I need to become an emotionally intelligent leader for motivating David as he works in the organization. David has been a part of the organization for a very long time and possesses highly competent technical skills. Iwouldrecognise and praise these skills in order to motivate him and he needs to be driven towards team objectives. My aim is to bring Davids performance to standard level (McCleskey, 2014). I shall use motivation as my strength because it is important for organizational effectiveness. I must give David his best chance or opportunities to help improve his performance. He may be given an ultimatum about either improving his performance, but he would be at a risk if he continues to underperform. David must be asked for continuous feedback regarding the troubles he is facing in his position (Fair Work Ombudsman, 2016). I must pay attention and devise an action plan to solve each of his problems considering he is an asset to the organization. I shall encourage an open and honest communication so that David can communicate the issues and action plans can be devised accordingly (Carter et al., 2012). With a score greater than 20 in the leadership potential, I have greater potential to be a leader (Lussier Achua, 2010). Additionally, persistence and hard work shall help me in developing the leadership ability. According to the results of Managerial Leadership Skills, it is analysed that I am doing fine as a leader. However, I have great potential to do much better. I am at a stage of building the foundation of effective leadership; I have a great opportunity in becoming the best I can be. I need to build self-confidence that would help in mastering social situations (Lussier Achua, 2010). I have a positive attitude and outlook towards things that gives me a strong sense of balance when problems arise. I need to develop skills to motivate people and help them deliver organizational vision. The scores of big five personality theory reflect that I have the highest score on extraversion. I am enthusiastic and action-oriented looking forward to opportunities with excitement. I have a high score in agreeableness as I have an optimistic nature. I am willing to compromise and have a considerate nature towards others. For conscientiousness, I have a moderate score as I do not have full control over my impulses. I have the lowest score in neuroticism as I get easily upset. I have a high score in openness to experience as I have a preference for variety and creativity (Lussier Achua, 2010). Since I possess a highly optimistic nature, I shall suggest David to build a cohesive team based on personality, I must try that my team members have similar personality. According to the case study, David is unable to perform his tasks well as his regular tasks and roles have changed affecting his performance. I must use her leadership potential in managing Davids performance (Abatecola, Mandarelli, Poggesi, 2011). I would maintain apositive mood,I wouldnt become angry or frustrated and in this way I would help David to achieve. I have to understand the gap between performances and offer David counselling. Counselling shall help in keeping Davids emotions at hold and help in keeping his work and personal life separate. Also, I shall provide him coaching regarding the newly changed roles and responsibilities. Having a preference for optimism, I shall continue to hold a positive outlook towards things and build Davids self-confidence through motivation and encouragement (Compton McM anus, 2015). According to the scores of behavioural leadership, I have high score on task leadership style and people leadership style. With a highly effective score on negotiating, I have the ability to settle differences (Lussier Achua, 2010). I can use my negotiating skills with David for managing conflict. Negotiating skills can be developed that can be useful in managing conflict. The scores of normative style leadership suggest that my preferred leadership style as delegate leadership style. I have a tendency to make my own decisions. As an autocrat, I tell people about the decision and follow up to ensure that the performance is maintained (Lussier Achua, 2010). As a leader, I must organize groups for different tasks. The tasks that are assigned to David must be assessed if it matches his qualification portfolio. I will adopt the job rotation technique and try to make David an overall performer. Having a preference towards delegate leadership style, I must create detailed plans and schedules tasks and complete it in a timely fashion. The goals must be prioritized. As a leader, it is my duty to constantly review the tasks to ensure that the project is on track. I must communicate the desired results with David so that he gets a target to perform effectively (Rummler Brache, 2012). I shall focus on people-oriented leadership and encourage employee ideas and feedback. People-oriented leadership is important because it helps the staffs feel empowered and meaningful. While maintaining my focus on people, I shall focus on workplace improvement that would help in having a better understanding of the employee satisfaction (Gartzia Baniandrs, 2016). As David is going through financial troubles, and has been an employee of the company for over nine years, he might be provided with financial assistance. This would help in reducing his stress and enhance his performance. I would not choose to sit back and delegate my decisions on David as it is a sign of weak leaders. I would increase Davids job satisfaction rate so that he gets rid of his financial worries. He may be offered incentives for performing better. I shall continue entrusting people with their roles and responsibilities that would help in boosting his morale and confidence (Breevaart et al., 2015). Employee satisfaction can be used as a key performance indicator. It is necessary as satisfied employees prove loyal to the organization and stick even at the worst scenario. A survey can be conducted for David and he would be required to answer a set of questions regarding his satisfaction rate at the organization. Moreover, he can be asked to prepare a personal SWOT analysis so that I can assess his strengths and weaknesses (Thomas, 2012). As an effective coach, I would choose provide on-the-job training for the changes caused in Davids day-to-day work responsibilities. His performance shall be continually monitored. In my opinion, David can also be asked what his primary motivators are. As every employee is different he may be satisfied with the ability to make decisions, recognition or financial pay and benefits (Aguinis, Joo, Gottfredson, 2013). I would build relationship with David that would give him the confidence to talk about his problems, build understanding and loyalty. Regular processes can be reinforced in the organization where David must be encouraged to work hard and yield better results. David must also be praised for the contributions made him. He must feel as a valuable asset of the organization (Selvarajan Cloninger, 2012). Conclusion Conclusively, I need to increase Davids job satisfaction level so that he gets rid of his financial worries. He may be offered incentives for performing better. David can be provided on-job training for assuring effective performance and addressing the gaps. David must be asked for continuous feedback regarding the troubles he is facing in his position. Counselling shall help in keeping Davids emotions at hold and help in keeping his work and personal life separate. An open and honest communication must be encouraged so that David can communicate the issues and action plans can be devised accordingly. David is going through financial troubles, and has been an employee of the company for over nine years, so he might require financial assistance. References Abatecola, G., Mandarelli, G., Poggesi, S. (2011). The personality factor: how top management teams make decisions. A literature review.Journal Of Management Governance,17(4), 1073-1100. Aguinis, H., Joo, H., Gottfredson, R. (2013). What monetary rewards can and cannot do: How to show employees the money.Business Horizons,56(2), 241-249. Breevaart, K., Bakker, A., Demerouti, E., Derks, D. (2015). Who takes the lead? A multi-source diary study on leadership, work engagement, and job performance.Journal Of Organizational Behavior,37(3), 309-325. 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